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      Tuesday, October 4, 2011

      Get Free Traffic to your site

      Everybody likes to earn money online.So many people make a blog or website to earn a good extra money from their blog or website.But unfortunately they get fail because even they have a good content they don’t get a good traffic to their website.Attracting visitors to blog or website is not as easy we think.Because we have to dedicate to this part of your website.I have mentioned some ways below to attract visitors to your blog or as website.

      Drive traffic from Facebook Fan page

      Facebook is the world’s leading social network.Millions of people visit the facebook at daily basis.There facebook is good fountain to attract some visitors to your website.You can create a fan page to your website in facebook and you should promote it to get likes from people.

      When your post updates from your website to your fanpage,people who have liked your fan page will see the post updates.You can promote your fan page from below methods.
      ·         Create a ad and promote your Fan page.
      ·         Suggest your page to your freinds.
      ·         Add a like button of your fan page to your website.

      TraffUp – Get free traffic to your website

      Traffup is a website to promote your website for free.It is easy to promote your site in Traffup.Because their system is very simple.First visit Traffup from below banner.
      Get Free Traffic
      Signup fro Traffup and confirm your email address.Then you will get free 100 points.Next hover your mouse pointer to website link at the top of Traffup and select Add New website.Fill the form well.Enter a good amount of point per visit.You can earn points from reffering people to Traffup.Click on Affliate at top fro thet and get a refferal id for you.You can insert it in to your website from a post too.

      Tweind Grow your Twitter network

      Twitter also has a great amount of traffic at daily basis.You can follow people and tweet them.But twitter has limited the number of follows for a day you could do.There Tweind comes.Tweind allow you to grow your twitter followers.There is not a limit to it.Just follow below steps.
      ·         Complete your twitter profile with adding your website to twitter profile.
      ·         Go to Tweind
      ·         Sign in to Tweind from your Twitter account
      ·         Click on follows in new tweets
      ·         You will get seeds for following other people
      ·         Enter a good amount of seeds per follow.about 5 or 6 seeds
      ·         When your seeds per follow is high, the number of people see you goes up too.
      These methods will help greately to drive a huge traffic to your website,Specially Facebook Fanpage & Traffup.Do my steps well and you will get very good result from them.

      Monday, September 26, 2011

      How to unlock Huawei E153 Internet dongles for Free!

      -->I decided to write a new post specially for Sri Lankans.Because lots of Dialog mobile broadbrand customers find a way to unlock their Huawei E153 dongle for Free! If you are not such a customer and if you want to unlock your mobile dongle for free, Click here.Also if you want to get know how to enable the voice & video calling feature inyour mobile dongle, Click here.OK,let’s get know how to unlock your huawei E153 dongle.

      First of all download below softwares.
      Run universal mastercode software and select huawei tab(01).
      After that enter the IMEI number of your dongle(02) and click on calculate button(03).
      Then the software will generate a Flash code.Copy the flash code and save it on your computer(04).

      Next run E153 updater.you don’t want to install it. Go foreward in the sofware.

      Next the sofware will detect your dongle.After detection click on Next.

      Next sofware will ask a flash code and enter the code you copied earlier and click on next.You can do next steps without any risk.After updating the dongle you can use any network sim card in your mobile dongle.

      Friday, September 23, 2011

      How to change default Menu Icons of Sony Ericsson Phones(DB3150,DB3200,DB3210)

        All most all the classic Sony ericsson phones’ Menu Icons cannot be changed as Nokia Phones.I have found a way to change default icon set of sony ericsson mobile phones easily.This method is only work not only on DB3150,but in some other platforms too.Also try this at your own risk.But there isn’t a risk at all.Just try this.
      ·         First download a theme and a Flash menu.You can easily download flash menus(+Themes) from mobile9.com.Theme creators of mobile9 give links of themes’ flash menus to download them.
      ·         Download below theme and Flash menu to test this method.
      You can download more at mobile9
      ·         Next download below sofware.
      ·         A2 Uploader supports-C901,C902,C903,C905,W705,W715W995,T715,K850 and many other....
      ·         Try ur phone.may be not here..
      ·         Next open GGSetup folder(comes with a2 uploader) and install it.
      ·         Run A2Uploader.
      ·         Shutdown your mobile phone.
      ·         Click on FileSystem tool button.
      ·         Connect your phone via usb holding C button or 2 and 5.
      ·         Wait a while to load the file system of the phone.
      Next follow below steps.
      Click on files as below.See the image.

      Next drag the flash menu file(swf) from your computer and drop it in last list.See the image.

      That’s it.Set the theme related to flash menu..
      Then hit SHUTDOWN FS MANAGER  button. You will notice that icons of your mobile have changed.

      Change the network modes of Nokia phones’ without restarting the phone

      I always change my Nokia N73’s network since our area hasn’t a good 3G coverage. I am tired of doing this continously.Because I have to restart my phone to change the network mode.So I tried to find a way to change the network of 3G nokia phones without restarting the phone.I was successful.I’ve found a great way to change the network of Nokia 3G phones’ without restarting the phone.This method is tested in Nokia N73.You can try this without any risk if you have a Nokia 3G phone(Specially S60 Symbian Smart Phones that require resart on network change).
      Here is the way.Go to network selecting option in your mobile phone.Select a network mode(3G,GSM,Dual Mode) and OK it.Then the phone will ask to restart.Now press the Yes and No buttons at once.Then your phone’s network will change without restarting your phone.Share this method with your friends and comment.

      Let’s create a Simple Blog

      Many Internet users like to have a simple their own  blog.You can share your knowledge with the other net users by having a simple blog.Also you can earn a good extra money from your blog.It will be a good help to your economy. When you share your knowledge you should share them for free.Because lots of people are finding things for free.When you share your knowledge with others for free they will come to your blog again and again.It will drive a big traffic to your blog.When your blog’s traffic is high you can apply for a GoogleAdsense account to earn a good extra money.Want to read about Google Adsense? Visit this Link.
      OK.Let’s start the business.Many website hosting sites allow their users to build up a blog to their users for absolutely Free! Blogger,Wordpress,Yolasite are the leading blog hosting services.Among them Blogger is the most popular blog hosting service run by Google Inc.Now I am going to teach how to build up a blog from Blogger.
      First you should have a Gmail address.If you don’t have a Gmail address visit here to setup a Gmail account.After that visit Blogger to start your business.Log in to Blogger using your gmail address.Next you will ask to create a blog since you have’t a blog yet.
      Enter you blog’s name first.
      After that enter your desired blog address.
      Type the captcha correctly.Click next.
      Select a template and click Next.
      Click on Start Blogging.Write your first blog post in the next page.Click on Publish to publish your posts.
      You can Design your blog by clicking on Design tab.You can arrange your widgets by dragging them.You can add new widgets by clickng on Add a Widget.There are lots of widgets in the list.
      If you are a good html coder you can edit your blog’s html by clicking on Edit html..Remember to save your template after edit html.Also you can upload a Blogger Template in this page. You will notice a bar at the top of your blog.It is known as the Navbar.Navbar harm the good looking of your blog.Read this post to learn how to remove the Navbar.
      You can also change the template again from Template designer.Even you can change the widths,colors,fonts & etc from Template Designer.
      If you have a Google Adsense account,you can setup it from Monetize Tab.
      These information will help you to build up your blog yourself.It is very simple easy & exciting.Make your blog more attractive to attract the more visitors to your blog.Write new articles on technical solutions related to computer,computer devices,Internet & etc.Internet users will love them.OK. Start your blog right now.Good Luck! From DeshanZ

      Wednesday, September 21, 2011

      How to Update your Nokia N73 to Music Edition

      Hay,Do you know that Navigator Editions of Nokia N73 can be updated to Music Edition? It is very simple! You can update your Nokia N73 to Music Edition yourself.Also it is absolutely free! Just follow below steps carefully.Otherwise your phone will become a ruin.
      ·         First Download Below two softwares.
      1.       Download NSS
      2.       Download Nokia Sofware Updater(NSU)
      First Part
      ·         Extract and Insall NSS first.
      ·         Connect your phone(phone should not in offline mode) via data cable
      ·         Run NSS
      ·         Click on Magnifier as in the below image.

      ·         Click on Phone Info tab.
      ·         Next click on Scan Button
      ·         Paste this code  0539343 in the box as in the below image.
      ·         Enable it by Checking the box.
      ·         Next click on Write Button.

      ·         At last restart your phone.
      ·         Close NSS Software.
      Second Part
      ·         Your PC should connect to the internet before starting this part.
      ·         Disconnect your phone from PC.
      ·         Install Nokia software Updater.
      ·         Connect your phone.
      ·         Run Nokia software updater(NSU).
      ·         Follow the next steps in the Nokia Software updator.(It is very simple.you can do it yourself.)
      ·         NSU will download a new version of your phone’s firmware(about 76MB).
      ·         You will ask to provide your country(Time zone),date,time & etc.
      You are done! Enjoy your new Nokia N73 Music Edition.

      How to remove the navbar from original Blogger Templates

      Original Blogger Templates are with a top navbar.By using this navbar you can search blogs,report the blog content as abuse & etc.But this navbar is not suitable for a professional blog. So lots of professional blogger users are finding a way to remove this headache. You can see that my blog’s navbar isn’t in the top. Now I am going to tell how to remove the navbar from your blog.Follow the below steps.
      ·         Sign in to your blogger account.
      ·         Click on ‘Design’ in your blogger Dashboard.
      ·         Click on ‘Edit html‘.
      ·         Paste below code just before ]]></b:skin> code in the html code box.
                     #navbar-iframe,#navbar { display: none !important; }
      ·         Save the template.
      You are done! View your blog now.Navbar is missing from your Blog.

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