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      Friday, July 22, 2011

      Count Total Mouse Clicks

      Have you ever count the number of clicks you have done during a computer session? When we use the computer mouse, we use three things in it. They Left click, Right click and mouse wheel. Definitely we use these tree things in a computer session. Because today when we are using a good computer OS, definitely we had to take these three services from computer mouse. We take much service from mouse, when we are surfing the Internet rather than general computer activities. Because more than 75% activities in the internet are done by the mouse clicks. So see the necessary of a computer mouse.
       Although you take use of computer mouse, have you ever count the number of clicks you have done in a single computer session. I found a simple software to see how we have got the service from our little computer mouse. Below figure shows the number clicks I have done in a single session.

      Count the number of clicks you are doing from Computer Mouse.


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