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      Friday, July 22, 2011

      How to earn money through Google Adsense

      Google Adsense
                           Google Adsense is the most secured and a easy  way of earning money through internet.Website owners can get advertisements as texts,images & videos from Google Adsense.Video advertisements are the most recent type of advertisements from Adsense.Google Adsense is the most popular pay pay click ad programme in the world.You can apply for Google Adsense if you have a website or a blog.But your website or blog should have a good content on popular topics like Internet marketing,MP3,Web Hosting,emplyment.Because Google Adsense accept mostly on these kind of websites.Also your website should have a good traffic too.Then you can earn more money from Google Adsense.
                         At the same time your website or blog should be a few months old one.Because Google Adsense do not approve brand new sites.It takes about seven days to get a response from Google Adsense.Once Google Adsense approved your site,you can get codes of advertisements after logging to your Google Adsense Account.This system is called Google Adsense.It is very simple,exciting & profitableReally how to earn money through Google Adsense!
                      Adsense is a Pay Per Click(PPC) advertising programme runs by Google Inc.As earlier I said,after they accept your site you can get codes of Google ads from your Google Adsense Account. When a visitor came and clicked on Google ads of your site,you get paid.You get paid to each click done by the visitors.See,visitors earn money for you.It is a very crazy system.But definitely you will get paid.Value of clicks are not same.It is depending on the topic of the ads.If the topic of the ad is "Web Hosting", you will get paid between $1-$5.If the topic of the ad is "Movies",you will get paid between $0.02-$0.20.See the different.Create your website on recommended topics.It will gain much money for your pocket.
      Do not give password of your Adsense account to anyone.
      Really how much can I earn through Google Adsense!
                          We cannot say it exactly.Because it depends on the total visitors who come to your site and the values of the clicks.But you can increase your earnings by creating your site in popular terms like debt  free,employment,mp3,web hosting & etc.To increase your earnings through Adsense follow  below five steps.
      • ·         Create your site with popular terms like debt free,employment,mp3,web hosting & etc.
      • ·         Place much ads & place the ads clearly to see visitors.
      • ·         Create your site beautifully.
      • ·         Include much facts according to your topic.
      • ·         Increase the Targeted traffic by promoting your site in lots of  directories.


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