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      Friday, July 22, 2011

      How to get a Debit Card for Free!

      My new post is on how to get a Debit card for absolutely free! My brother told me how to get a Free Debit card. I wrote this post in his words. Read it.
      “Once I logged in to my Odesk account, I noticed that my payment method of odesk is not completed. So I decided to complete it at that moment. Odesk let us to select one payment method from their five payment options as our payment method. Among their five payment methods, I noticed a special method. It was depositing our money in a Payoneer Debit card. Next to this method, a statement was there with a link.
       I clicked on it. A page opened and I clicked on again on Get your MasterCard card now. Again a page opened with a form to apply for a Payoneer Debit Card. I was delighted.  I filled all the required fields in the form and finished it. I thought it is a lie. I couldn’t believe it when I got my Payoneer Debit card.  But however I got my Payoneer Debit card after about 25 days of time.”
      That`s his experience. Now I am going to share his experience with you. 
      Follow my steps carefully.
      -Log in to your Odesk account or sign up for an Odesk account.
      -Create your Odesk Profile if you are a new member.
      -Click on Payment Methods in navigation bar.

      -Click on sign up in first withdrawal method 

      -Click Get your Prepaid MasterCard Card Now! 

      -Click on Start Here and Fill the required Fields.
      -Click on Step 2 and fill the required Fields.
      -Click on Step 3 and fill the required Fields.
      -After that mark three check boxes.
      -Finally click on Finish Button.

      You are done!
      You will receive your Debit card after about 25 business days of time.


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