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      Friday, July 22, 2011

      Try your Try-Out Softwares forever

      When I was studying in O/L classes my best friend gave me software called Time Stopper.  I installed it on my computer. But I didn`t pay much attention on that software. But after my O/L exam I decided to browse whole computer and my CD collection. Then I found Time Stopper software again and installed it. After the installation I opened it. Then I understood that it can stop time for each time-out software.  I tried to stop time for few software and it was successful. So I decided to share my experience with my blog fans.
      Firstly download Time-Stopper
       After downloading it install and run it in your PC. Follow below three steps.
      Step 01- Select your software`s running icon (exe).
      Step 02- Select a date within your software`s trial period.
      Step 03- If you want, you can run try-out software on the spot by clicking on “open software on your date” button.
      Step 03- You can create a desktop shortcut after a entering a name for software by clicking on “Click here to create desktop short-cut” button.

      That is all. Now you can use your try-out software forever.
      You can change your computer`s actual time to a date within trial period of a try-out software, if it ran out of try-out period. But then you cannot run your computer on time and sometimes another try-out software can be expired. Above method is the most successful method to try your try-out softwares forever.


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